Issue 03 Coming Soon!

Frequently Asked Questions

Open Call FAQs
Does the artwork have to be LGBTQ+ themed to be submitted?
No, we want to promote the work of LGBTQ+ artists, the work can be about anything

Do I have to disclose my sexuality/gender identity to submit?
No, but we do ask for your pronouns so we know how to refer to you. 
However, if you want to discuss how you identify in your Artist Statement you are welcome to

Can I submit work I have already shared, displayed or published?
The only exception for this is if you have any copyright agreements with other organisations which prohibit you from using the work elsewhere. If you are published or in a gallery and unsure of whether you can apply or not, we ask you first check with organisations you have the prior commitments to.

Will there be more open calls in the future?
Currently, we are aiming to publish two issues per year, one near the start of the year and one during the summer.

What work can I submit?
Almost anything!
On our Open Call Page you can find submission forms for “Still Mediums”, “Moving Mediums”, and “Writing”. We think this covers most mediums people will want to submit, but if you have more unique work you want to share please Contact Us and we can find a way to submit your work for consideration. 

Will featured artists get a free copy of the zine?
Unfortunately this is not something we are able to do right now. No one is profiting unfairly off our featured artist’s work, money from our sales go directly back into the zine, paying for printing, shipping, advertising and this website. 

What are the Terms and Conditions for submitting work?
T&Cs for our open calls can be found here.

Zine FAQs
Who are you?
CV&L was created and is run by Artemis Hatfield, and published through Delos Publishing. 

Why do you exist?
Despite the massive diversity within the arts, especially at college and university level, there is a lot of inequality and discrimination in creative industries at a professional level . CV&L was created to give smaller, LGBTQ+ artists a place to be published among their peers. We want to amplify the voices of LGBTQ+ people, to help provide a platform for their work to be seen, especially one that is separate from very busy online spaces like social media.

Unfortunately discrimination is still present within the LGBTQ+ community and we want to be clear that CV&L is a place for all LGBTQ+ artists to be seen. 

How are you run?
We are an independent organisation run primarily by Artemis Hatfield, who is a queer artist themself. 

Is the zine sustainable? 
Our zine is printed on recycled paper, and shipped with Royal Mail who claim to be the greenest UK delivery service

Business FAQs
Can we advertise in your zine?
We have a some options for advertising available, and we are careful to ensure we only advertise with ethical, LGBTQ+ friendly businesses. #
Click Here for more information.

For all other business enquiries please Contact Us individually.

© Delos Publishing, 2024
Copyright for featured artworks remains with original artist, as credited.
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